Social Presencing in the Time of Social Distancing
Are you feeling anxious, isolated, stuck?
Do you find yourself succumbing to stockpiling and other simplistic solutions?
Yo-yo-ing between news binges and numbing out?
I’ve noticed my own tendency to all of these as we have collectively moved into the era of Social Distancing. There’s an irony here, that in order to protect one another we find ourselves out of touch with the very communities we seek to protect.
“We can learn to be more present to one another — so much so that we can hold space for individual insights and collective wisdom across
distance and difference. ”
But, I also know an antidote, or perhaps a vaccine against the anxiety, isolation and stuck feeling that lead to all the rest: Social Presencing Theater (SPT). As an advanced practitioner of SPT, I have learned to connect to other people, and more importantly to feel that connection across distance via video conference. SPT is not “Theater” in the performance sense, but in the sense of holding a space where extraordinary things can happen. “Presencing” is about using our sensory awareness to access intuitive wisdom and dissolve concepts that limit us. “Social” is about being present to each other in the process. Put them all together and you get a discipline where we can learn to be more present to one another — so much so that we can hold space for individual insights and collective wisdom across distance and difference.
So as we all dig in for the indefinite, but finite time of social distancing I am offering two weekly Social Presencing in the Time of Social Distancing online sessions, Wednesdays at midday and Thursday evenings. No experience is necessary, just an internet connection and a willingness to try some simple movement practices together. Payment is on a donation/sliding scale basis. Come, settle your nervous system as you connect with others virtually in a deep and intentional way. Feel the rare state of being truly seen, and experience the connectedness of truly seeing others. As we practice, you will develop the skills to better sense the current reality of any group you’re in, and to know instinctively what to do next. Once you’re back in physical proximity to others, you’ll be a more conscious and responsive member of whatever community you find yourself within.
Click here to see and register for my current online practice groups!
Wedesdays at 2 pm - 3 pm CDT [12 pm PDT/1 MDT/3 pm EDT/9 pm CET]
Thursdays at 7 - 8:30 pm CDT [5:00 PDT/6:00 MDT/8:00 EDT/9:00 am Friday HKT]
Friday Free Days at 2 - 2:30 pm CDT [12 pm PDT/1 MDT/3 pm EDT/9 pm CET]